Curiosity, Risk and Learner Success

Curious learners perform better because they focus better. Neuroscience has established strong correlation between creativity, curiosity, focus and learner success. We help learners develop skills to deepen each learning experience using brain-based methods.

Curiosiy increases engagement, but is intellectually and emotionally risky. How do we help each and every one of our students? Learners develop the social, cognitive, and emotional skills needed to meaningfully participate in the creative process. This creative process underlies every modern inquiry based learning approach. The first step is understanding what neuroscience has discovered about learning and risk.

The LOQ Increases Performance and Engagement

The Learning Orientation Questionnaire (LOQ) helps to identify individual learner risk profiles and and suggests practical solutions for improvement. The LOQ is a statistically valid and reliable instrument that measures how learners generally and intentionally approach learning (e.g., classroom or online learning ability) and performance. Learning orientations are dispositions to approach, manage, and achieve learning.

The LOQ is a 25-item online survey that identifies an individual’s orientation to learn by looking at the dominant psychological factors that influence intentional learning and performance.

These factors consider the level of:

  • Emotional investment in learning and performance
  • Strategic self-directedness
  • Independence or autonomy

These three interrelated factors are successful learning attributes and describe how intentional learners generally want or intend to approach learning situationally.